
Would you like to join us?

We are always delighted to receive new students into Eaton Bank Academy, both in the normal admissions round at Year 7, and when transferring from other schools.

We often welcome new students at the beginning of Key Stage 4 (Year 10) and at the beginning of Sixth Form (Year 12).


Admissions into Year 7 in September

We work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure a seamless transition process with excellent school transport provision, we also receive a significant proportion of applications for places from children in other schools both in Cheshire and Staffordshire. Our PAN (planned admission number) is set well above the numbers currently in our partner primary schools so we do have capacity to take a good number of external applicants each year.

When to decide:

Because the deadline for the normal admissions process into Year 7 is the October beforehand (when your child is in Year 6) we normally suggest that you make your decision when your child is towards the end of Year 5. We offer tours of Eaton Bank Academy throughout the school year, at a time convenient to you, while the school is in operation and our staff are very happy to answer any questions you may have about the school.

Applications for the usual September intake are submitted on the Common Application form to the Local Authority responsible for the parental address. Students are admitted without reference to ability or aptitude. The planned admission number (PAN) for each school year is 210.


Entry at Years 8 to 12

In year admissions are those which can be arranged at any time during the school year and into any year group in the school.

Parents of students who wish to make an “in-year” admissions (for students wishing to join in years other than Year 7 and Year 12) should initially contact the Cheshire East Admissions team (or their “home” local authority if resident outside of Cheshire East) for the appropriate application form.

On the form, there will be the opportunity to select Eaton Bank Academy as their preferred choice.

If you would like any further information on in-year admissions or joining Eaton Bank Academy, please contact Mrs S Hayes in the first instance via telephone on 01260 273000 or email s.hayes@eatonbank.org

How to Apply Through the Local Authority

More information about Cheshire East Admissions can be found on the Cheshire East Website

School application key dates can be found here: School Applications Timetable

Selection Criteria

Please read our Admissions Policy for more information

Over-Subscription Criteria

Please read our Admissions Policy for more information

Admissions Arrangements for Disabled Students

Please read our Admissions Policy for more information

Details on Priority Applications

Please read our Admissions Policy for more information

Mid-year Application Information and Process

Please read our Admissions Policy for more information

Book a Tour

We invite prospective parents and children to visit our school to and experience our learning environment, culture and values of our school. We hope to resume these tours as soon as it is safe to do so. The tour will take place with a member of the Senior Leadership Team, and there will be opportunities for parents to ask any questions they may have about the school as well as visiting lessons. Our school tours are open to all parents and children, regardless of year group.

If you would like to book a tour please complete our online form below or send an email to Mrs S Hayes, s.hayes@eatonbank.org. Alternatively, please call Mrs Hayes on 01260 273000. Please include in the email your own name, the name(s) of your children, their current school and year group.

    Our Primary Schools

    We work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure a seamless transition process but as a popular choice of school in Cheshire East, we also receive a significant proportion of applications for places from children in other schools both in Cheshire and Staffordshire.

    Our ‘feeder’ primary schools are:

    • Bosley St Mary’s Primary School
    • Buglawton Primary School
    • Gawsworth Primary School
    • Havannah Primary School
    • Marlfields Primary Academy
    • Marton & District C E Aided Primary School
    • Mossley C E Primary School

    As part of our extensive work with our partner primary schools, we hold a number of workshops and events throughout the year, in addition to our annual induction days for students who have chosen Eaton Bank Academy.

    These have recently included;

    Performing Arts: we have held regular workshops with all of our primary schools, based on our most recent school musical production. This has included developing skills in Dance, Drama and Music. Members of our Performing Arts team also make regular visits to our feeder primary schools to provide specific workshops and help curriculum coordinators.

    Design and Technology
    : we usually use our Design and Technology facilities for the benefit of our primary partners, given that many of them are not able to have a dedicated space with large scale equipment like those we benefit from. The primary students also enjoy working in food technology to showcase their creative skills!

    Modern Foreign Languages: students have taken part in workshops alongside peers from other schools, learning more about the French language and culture and also sampling some French food! This has previously been combined with other subjects such as ICT, to show students the range of exciting subjects here at Eaton Bank.

    Mathematics: extension opportunities are offered weekly for Gifted and Talented students in Maths, where they are given the chance to work with our specialist maths team on Level 7 work, which they would otherwise not cover as part of the Primary School.

    Science: students regularly come for workshops both within the school day and after school as an extension to the curriculum where they carry out experiments which they would otherwise not be equipped for in their primary school classrooms. Experiments have included building hovercraft and working with Bunsen burners!

    Physical Education: we regularly arrange and host fixtures for our partner primary schools, including competitions and events. Furthermore, we also organise workshops for specific games and skills such as football, netball and other popular games.

    ICT: students take to work on exciting projects focussed around coding, using different software or scenario based tasks which develop the students understanding of using computers and also how the mechanisms of the computer work to provide the end result.


    View the Policy

    Follow the link and you will find all the latest policy documents.

    View the Policies Page

    Local Authority School Applications

    Make applications for school places on this website and find out more about the process.

    Locl Authority School Applications

    Fallibroome Trust Admissions Information Page

    Find out more about admissions and appeals (including Appeals Timetable) on the Tallibroome Trust Admissions webpage.

    Click here to view

    School Prospectus

    Follow these links to view our school prospectuses.

    School Prospectus

    School's Admissions Number (PAN)

    Our admissions number is 210.